Friday, December 12, 2008

Book Review- Cool Stuff Exploded: Get inside modern technology

This big book of "Cool Stuff" explains the inter workings of everyday modern devices (hence the title). Every page has big, bright pictures of everyday tools from microwave ovens to holograms. Some devices are given their own page or two with explanations of how they work and who invented them. Others are groups together into two page spreads. This is a great book for kids and adults alike who always ask the famous question "how does that work?" Even though the descriptions for many of the devices are brief it will peck your inquisitiveness and you just might want to take out another book on that subject.
This book also comes with a CD-ROM that includes amazing animations.

If you like this Non-fiction book you should check out others in this series:
Cool Stuff and how it works
Cool Stuff 2.0 and how it works
Cool Stuff Science Kit

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